Hello, I’m Catherine, the owner of LimeDoor Studio, which is situated in Wandin North, in the gorgeous Yarra Valley. Every day, I’m on some kind of creative adventure! I must make art! It’s relaxing, frustrating, joyful, surprising, and so satisfying to see what emerges from the hands! I love the problem-solving aspect of it.
My heartfelt mission in life is to inspire others to feel the sense of achievement which results from the perseverance and deep thought involved in working towards art solutions – to make something you’re pretty pleased with or, at least, have learnt something from.
For so many years our kitchen table was a messy scene of artistic chaos with several projects on the go at once! I needed a dedicated space so that I could really get into the creative zone (and my family agreed!)
LimeDoor Studio and gallery space is the result of a number of years of planning. I love learning and, equally, am passionate about passing on the skills and knowledge developed over a lifetime of “artiness!” LimeDoor Studio is a place where workshop participants are encouraged to communicate ideas, tell their stories, and to practise with confidence.
Our studio is fully equipped for art-making across a wide range of media. We have just about anything your young artist might need, to realise their imaginings…
- Pottery wheels
- Printers and scanners
- Cutting, stamping and stencil-making machines
- Silk screens
- Sewing machines
- Easels
- Book press
- Glass and clay kilns
At LimeDoor we, and our students, use professional quality art supplies and tools. We’re committed to providing professional level workshops for young minds.
Meet Catherine Byatt
Bachelor of Education, University of Tasmania 2012
Throughout her life as an artist, Catherine has participated in a multitude of Art forums, group workshops and undertaken private art tuition. Through these, and with expert tutelage, Catherine has developed skills and knowledge across a wide range of media including millinery, leadlight, oil painting, clay sculpture, basketry, embroidery, dyeing, surface embellishment and other textile arts, beading and glass bead making, ceramic decoration, wire jewellery, musical instruments from junk, original porcelain doll creation, temari, mould-making, sumi-e, felt-making, silk flower making, lampshade making, polymer clay, printmaking techniques, book-binding, costumery, mosaic construction…
She has undertaken extended workshops and residentials, including many taught by internationally renowned artists such as Dawna Richardson (Australia), May Hvistendahl (Finland), Judit Pocs (Hungary), Waltraud Reiner (Australia) and Nancy Eha (USA). Catherine continues to educate herself in current art practises and new trends, to support her desire to pass on skills and the love of simply creating.
On June 24, 2005, Catherine registered her business, FELTAZIA, in response to her passion for creating felted garments, and the many subsequent invitations to exhibit those.
Over many years, Catherine has facilitated workshops for both children and adults. These have ranged across media, from miscellaneous crafts for young children, to intensive book-binding courses and felted millinery workshops for adults. She has worked in school classrooms for over 28 years and has been heavily involved in Arts programs during that time. In 2018, Catherine completed a 12-month, council-initiated project, during which she taught art skills to 400+ children, also co-ordinating the creation of a large community mosaic mural.
Burrinja Gallery, 2006
Mount Evelyn Artspace, 2006
BMW Edge Blue Hat Project 2007
Mont deLancey Historic Homestead, 2007
Precious Purl, Brunswick St Fitzroy, 2010
The Johnston Collection 2013
The Johnston Collection 2015
Morwell Regional Gallery 2016
Bairnsdale Regional Gallery 2016
Kimono House 2016
The Johnston Collection 2017
The Johnston Collection 2018
NGV, Great Hall, 2019
Australasian Quilt Convention, textile artpiece shortlisted 2021, toured Australasie 21-23, and currently held in private collection, Bonn, Germany, 2024
Community programs
Shire of Yarra Ranges council project 2017-2018
All The Feels mindfulness program 2019-2023
Entry Hall Mural, Yarra Glen Primary School 2024
Wearable art parades:
Burrinja Gallery
Mount Evelyn artspace
Mont deLancey Historic Homestead
BMW Edge and Federation Square tarmac
Homespun Magazine
Homespun Collection
The Johnston Collection retrospective publications
Peppermint magazine 2022