Hello Everyone,
It sure has been an exciting and fun-filled term 3, here at LimeDoor Studio! This term, the focus has been on the mechanics and purposes of “interactive art.” We:
- Made our own stamps and then Painted, printed, stamped, scraped, rolled, sponged and daubed a most beautiful range of papers to use in our term 3 artworks
- Constructed a taleidoscope, and even invented more ways of viewing our gorgeous pattern wheels!
- Learnt how to make an Agamograph, an amazing two-in-one picture!
- Designed and made an original, articulated puppet
- Had fun creating a “colour theory” bracelet to remind us about pure colours and their tints, and also the complementaries for those
- Explored the mechanics of automata: we made a paper butterfly with a peg mechanism, had fun making peg dinosaurs… and a pecking bird utilising a camshaft mechanism
- Amazed ourselves with the simplicity of the “Magic Torch” effect!
- Practised the “slot” method of joining cardboard for our cactus (or other) sculptures
- Learnt two different “pop-up” mechanisms, as we made a paper surprise box and a sensational, original Father’s Day card
- Practised precision folding and cutting, to make a beautiful, hanging heart decoration
- Explored pattern and colour in the making of the 3-in-a-row game, “Picaria”
- Discovered the phenomenon of “persistence of vision,” with Thaumatropes!
- Constructed a 16 page book from a single sheet of paper
…and more!
Art skills foci for the term: accurate cutting and folding; scoring to make folding easier; thoughtfully selecting colours that make each other look good, or blend, or serve a particular purpose in our work
Thankyou to the wonderful students and their amazing families for your enthusiasm and lovely comments about our program! We hope to see you again in the future.
Please look out for LimeDoor’s Term 4 program, “Mud Pie Mayhem”! We’ll be focusing on the kiln-fired variety of clay, with a couple of side adventures into polymer and airdried clay as well!
Kindest regards,
A message from Catherine regarding classes for next year: LimeDoor Studio will be closed for all of Term1, 2023. I hope to see you in Term 2, for an action-packed art program!