Dear Artists, Parents and Guardians,
What an interesting term’s work we have completed, due largely to the wonderfully imaginative input of the young artists themselves!
This term, students were encouraged to come up with ideas, according to their own wishes for Art class, to develop those ideas and design their own projects. We held short brainstorming sessions most weeks to try and tease our ideas out, and to build on the ideas of others, to make projects that we all wanted to do. The great result is that, over the past ten weeks, we have:
- Glued and grouted fabulous glass tile mosaic coasters
- Designed and painted wonderfully unique Matryoshka sets
- Created amazing resin lamps with colourful “inclusions”
- Learned how to use a pattern, whilst constructing entertaining “glove” puppets
- Surprised ourselves with quirky drawings, made through a series of fun drawing exercises
- Planned and painted “My Best Life” on canvas using acrylic paints
- Learned how to paint “water” and “nebulae” with watercolour paint
- Made fragrantly splendid soaps, named them and designed their labels
- Constructed our own bubble wand for making gigantic bubbles!
I hope you all enjoyed the programme, and I wish you all a safe, most relaxing school holiday!
Kindest regards,
Catherine and the LimeDoor team